Jons Containers

Frequently Asked


Explore this section for answers to common questions we receive from customers at all stages of their orders. If you still need assistance, schedule a meeting with one of our container techs. We’re here to help you find the answers you need.

Build & Delivery FAQ

We Keep You in the Loop as Your Build Progresses

Part of our onboarding process involves getting you into our project management system where we can communicate throughout the build process with updates, questions, and more.

We Keep You in the Loop as Your Build Progresses

Part of our onboarding process involves getting you into our project management system where we can communicate throughout the build process with updates, questions, and more.

Are These Shipping Containers Insulated?

Are These Shipping Containers Insulated?

Since the majority of our work falls to shipping container homes, we outfit most of our shipping containers with the following insulation:

  • R13 – 2″ closed spray Foam in walls
  • R21- 3″ closed cell spray foam in the ceiling
  • R6 – 1″ closed cell spray foam under a container

We can also insulate according to your climate, so schedule your meeting with a container tech to learn more about your options if you feel you need to change the insulation performance.

Do You Offer Multi-Container Builds?

Do You Offer Multi-Container Builds?

Absolutely! But the initial appeal can degrade once we discuss pricing. Many folks have lofty expectations for a container home mansion, but in most cases these types of builds will be more expensive than a traditional stick and frame home and need different types of permitting. We can help with all of the above, but do be prepared for a considerable cost increase from the models available on our website. The best prices for a build of this type come into play if you do not connect the containers directly. This eliminates the need for on-site welding, which doesn’t come cheap.

Are Fixtures or Furnishings Included?

Are Fixtures or Furnishings Included?

We do provide fixtures, but not furnishings. Fixtures include your kitchen base cabinet, electric, stovetop, sinks, toilet, shower, etc. Our base price does not include the refrigerator, couches, beds, etc. Please contact us if you have any questions on outfitting your container.

How Far Do You Deliver?

How Far Do You Deliver?

We have solutions to ship all over the world. We have hubs in integral parts of the United States and continue to expand throughout, but depending on your location and build, shipping costs can quickly increase. Give us a call to gather an idea of delivery options available.

General FAQ

What are Common Shipping Container Sizes?

What are Common Shipping Container Sizes?

These are the most common sizes that we sell at Bob’s Containers. For any other specific dimensions, please reach out to us. We may be able to customize a common size container or find you one.

  • 20 ft Standard (20 ft x 8 ft x 8.5 ft)
  • 40 ft Standard (40 ft x 8 ft x 8.5 ft)
  • 40 ft High Cube (40 ft x 8 ft x 9.5 ft)
What are the Different Types of Shipping Containers?

What are the Different Types of Shipping Containers?

We build, customize, and sell new (one-trip) and used containers that are rated “cargo-worthy (CWO)” which means:

  • Working cargo doors with good seals
  • No leaks or holes
  • Strong and functional floors
Can I Design My Own Floor Plan?

Can I Design My Own Floor Plan?

While we think our models offer great options, some folks want to design their own space and we are here to help! This will be a consultative based project as these options are not readily available on our website due to the custom nature.

Can I Finance My Shipping Container?

Can I Finance My Shipping Container?

You can absolutely finance your shipping container! We offer various options  and each have their own set of pros and cons. For more information, please visit our shipping container financing page.